About Me

Sama Sweetery Profile Shot

Hi! I’m Samantha. I live in West Sacramento, California with my husband, two human kids and one fur baby. I’m a winemaker turned stay at home mom with a passion for baking and feeding people.

After making some cookies for a friend’s baby shower, I became obsessed with everything that decorated sugar cookies entailed. With the whirlwind of the holidays, I became a cottage food operation and got my business license so I could start selling what I love to do and stop overfeeding friends and family.

It’s a little of the blind leading the blind as I get this stay at home mom thing under control, figure out everything that owning and operating a business (however small) entails, and try to maintain my sanity.

If that doesn’t scare you off, follow along with me on Instagram as I learn my way through improving my photography skills and maybe even putting up a video or two. Press the Order Custom Cookies link above to get your order underway.


-xo Sam